A gentle, easy to learn, ancient art of healing that you will have for a lifetime.
Nourish your whole being with a Reiki treatment.
You will experience a profound sense of tranquillity and peace and leave the session with a revitalized, empowered spirit. Discover newfound clarity and insight into your life experiences while releasing unwanted energy blocks. Jackie offers remote, distant Reiki treatments, a technique deeply rooted in the Reiki system. Through this method, you can receive healing energy without the physical presence of a practitioner. Based on the belief that we are all interconnected energy beings, distant Reiki is a well-established and time-honoured healing practice dating back to the origins of Reiki.
Usui Reiki training is available in person in Canberra, Melbourne and Gold Coast.
NOTE: groups are kept small to ensure individual attention.
Reiki 1 Training, guided by Jackie, serves as a transformative gateway for individuals seeking holistic wellness, personal growth, and a profound connection with themselves. It’s an opportunity to delve into self-care and healing practices, empowering you to navigate life with renewed clarity and empowerment. You will experience and learn:
Benefit from Jackie’s many years of teaching Reiki and her own personal growth and spiritual journey. Jackie will help you find your path and lead you on a transformative journey back to your true self – your soul. Your will walk away with a deeper connection and relationship with yourself, empowered by newfound clarity and self-understanding.
Reiki 1 Training in Canberra
Duration: 2 days
Dates: 24 and 25 February 2024
Venue: Flow Yoga Canberra, Entrance 1, Building 3, 1 Dairy Road, Fyshwick ACT
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday
10.30 am to 5.00 pm Sunday
Cost: $777
Reiki 1 Training in Melbourne
Duration: 2 days
Dates: TBA – please email me to register your interest
Venue: Amy Bell NLP, Level 2, Suite 3 & 4, 10a Atherton Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm Saturday
9.30 am to 4.00 pm Sunday
Cost: $777
Reiki 1 Training in Gold Coast
Duration: 2 days
Dates: TBA – please email me to register your interest
Venue: TBA
Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm Saturday
9.30 am to 4.00 pm Sunday
Cost: $777
Are you ready to uplevel your Reiki training and practice? Be guided by Jackie into the transformative world of Reiki II. This training is designed to deepen your connection to self and heighten your Reiki practice. You will experience and learn:
Step into the realm of deeper healing and expanded energy practices with Reiki II training led by Jackie. You will have fun with like-minded people while unlocking new dimensions of healing and personal growth with the power of Reiki.
Reiki 2 Training in Canberra
Duration: 2 days
Dates: TBA – please email me to register your interest
Venue: Flow Yoga Canberra, Entrance 1, Building 3, 1 Dairy Road, Fyshwick ACT
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday
10.30 am to 5.00 pm Sunday
Cost: $922
Reiki 2 Training in Melbourne
Duration: 2 days
Dates: TBA – please email me to register your interest
Venue: Amy Bell NLP, Level 2, Suite 3 & 4, 10a Atherton Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Time: 9.30 to 4.30 pm Saturday
9.30 am to 4.00 pm Sunday
Cost: $922
Reiki 2 Training in Gold Coast
Duration: 2 days
Dates: TBA – please email me to register your interest
Venue: TBA
Time: 9.30 to 4.30 pm Saturday
9.30 am to 4.00 pm Sunday
Cost: $922
Master the art of Reiki
This course is a profound deepening of the Reiki experience and if you decide to formally teach Reiki you will be able to do so.
Working with Reiki is a spiritual practice which assists us in developing greater compassion and acknowledging our oneness with all.
The four Reiki master symbols will be explored and you will learn and practice the Reiki attunement process and be able to attune others into all levels.
Reiki I and Reiki II are a prerequisite to this course.
Your potential is tremendous.
Discover what is possible for you with the power of Reiki, which is not only a tool for physical and emotional healing but also for personal and spiritual growth.
Reiki is an ancient energy healing technique and is used as a complementary therapy in over 900 hospitals and clinics worldwide.
Reiki reduces stress and tension, a major cause of disease in the Western world. It clears blockages (physical, emotional and mental) and it compliments all other healing modalities.
The practice of Reiki calms the mind and emotions and restores balance and harmony on all levels.
Reiki, pronounced ‘ray key’, is a Japanese form of therapy that aims to increase energy levels and promote relaxation and well-being.
Developed in the late 19th century, Reiki is applied through non-invasive, non-manipulative gentle touch.
When the practitioner places their hands on the client both connect with the universal, life-force energy.
This energy is ever-present but not always available to us for a number of reasons, including our attitudes and belief systems.
The energy is always accessible but we block or restrict its flow with our thoughts and beliefs. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Here are the most common questions I get asked about Reiki.
Reiki, pronounces “ray key”, is a Japanese form of therapy for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes well-being. Developed in the late 19th century, Reiki is applied through non-invasive, non-manipulative gentle touch.
The underlying philosophy of Reiki is that if a person’s energy is low, they are more likely to be unwell or stressed. If it is high, however, they are more capable of being happy and feeling well.
The Usui system of reiki was developed in Japan by Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk, at the beginning of the 20th century. It was introduced to the West in 1938 by a Japanese-American woman, Hawayo Takata. The majority of Reiki treatments provided worldwide by Reiki practitioners is the Usui System of Reiki
In a standard treatment, Reiki energy flow from the practitioner’s hands into the client. The client is usually laying on a massage table but treatments can also be given while the client is seated or even standing. The client remains fully clothed. The practitioner places their hands on or near the client’s body in a series of hand positions. The whole treatment usually lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.
When you’re considering coaching, you want to make sure that the coach you’re working with has not only the experience and skills you need, but you have a positive connection.
Let’s start by getting to know each other with an easy, no pressure intro call.
I help people find their direction in life so they can live with passion and purpose.
Copyright © 2025 Jackie Nield